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About Us

Space Family Education, Inc.


SFEI is a non-profit company organized in 1990 by a small group of employees of the Johnson Space Center to be the corporate management of the JSC Child Care Center.  The existence of the Child Care Center today stands as a monument to the dedication of these employees during the start-up period and to the JSC managers who supported them.  In particular, the Center would not exist without the support of Aaron Cohen, then JSC Center Director, whose guidance and resources made the Center a reality.  A plaque dedicating the facility to Mr. Cohen is permanently mounted at the entrance.

Hours of Operation


​SFEI is open from 6:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday. The center closes whenever NASA JSC closes (including all government holidays and emergency closures).  The center does not offer extended care beyond these hours.



In the Infant and Toddler rooms, child enrichment and development programs are designed to stimulate the senses and develop physical and mental skills. Textures, colors, shapes, sounds, and smells are all a part of the positive learning environment.

SFEI uses the Bo and Bailey curriculum for Infants through Early Pre-K. Children also participate in enrichment programs including music, movement, STEM, sign language, and technology instruction on a weekly basis. Extracurricular activities are also available at the center (but are not included in tuition). 

Special Events


The children may participate in special events planned and organized by the staff throughout the year. Specific events may include a Fall Carnival, Thanksgiving dinner, Mardis Gras parade,  and field trips to educational places around Houston.

Licensing and Accreditation


SFEI is licensed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS).   Additionally, both the Director and the Assistant Director have received their Child Care Center Director’s licenses through TDFPS.



The Center is located inside the Johnson Space Center gates. All visitors must be cleared with JSC security before entering JSC. The front entrance to the childcare center remains locked and only parents are provided the access instructions. All other visitors, including family members, must be cleared with the staff before entering the building.  Additionally, the staff maintains a permission list which identifies the specific individuals who are permitted to remove a child from the premises. These individuals (other than parents) may be required to show picture identification before removing a child if they are unfamiliar to the staff.

Additional Noteworthy Facts


The Center is located in a wooded area near the Gilruth Center, away from the industrial buildings of the Space Center and on a less traveled street. Wildlife, particularly deer, are a common sight in the areas around the center.  Because the center is located on JSC, it benefits from the close proximity of ambulance and fire services (less than a mile) and nearby hospitals should an emergency ever arise.

© 2018 by Space Family Education, Inc.

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