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Our Program

Infant Class


Our goal is to make the transition from home to the child care setting as smooth as possible for the child and the parents. This is done by providing a loving environment to form the foundation for future learning experiences.  Throughout the day caregiver routines are designed to provide meaningful interactions between the infant and caregiver.  In addition to the positive interactions that take place as the caregiver meets the immediate physical needs of the infants, we provide a specific curriculum to ensure the basic areas of development are addressed with each infant. We will strive to help each infant meet their developmental milestones through the nurturing care we provide.

Developmental Focus Areas:

  • Sensory Exploration (using all five senses to explore ones surroundings)

  • Social/Emotional (your baby’s awareness and positive image of themselves and others)

  • Fine Motor (using hand fingers and eyes)

  • Gross Motor (using whole body)

  • Language/Cognitive (understanding and using words, problem solving)

Our infant curriculum is literacy based and uses children’s literature along with activities that coordinate with the theme of the book to nurture all areas of early childhood development. Pictures, sign language, songs and rhymes, exercise, sensory stimulation, music and massage are incorporated into each day.

Toddler  Class


Our goal to assist each child’s individual development. During this year, toddlers will progress from bottles to sippy cups, cribs to cots and some from baby food to table food. Our toddler curriculum is designed to provide children opportunities to develop their social/emotional, cognitive, physical and language skills daily.


Developmental Focus Areas:

  Social/Emotional Development

  •  Build trust with caregivers

  •  Become aware of others expressions and emotions

  •  Begin to follow simple direction

  • Begin to participate in group activities

  Cognitive Development

  • Notice particular characteristics of objects

  • Uses objects in pretend play as they are used in real life

  • Begin to learn to put objects away in proper places

  • Begin to recognize colors, shapes, numbers, letters

  Large Motor Development

  • Transition from feeding chairs to seats

  • Learn to walk, run, jump, walk upstairs, walk backwards, throw, bounce, kick, dance

  Fine Motor Development

  • Transition from a bottle to a sippy cup

  • Begin to use utensils to self-feed

  • Transition from a sippy cup to a regular cup

  • Begin to use a paint brush

  • Experiment with scribbling

  Language Development

  • Begin to use gesture, word like sounds and eventually two word phrases

  • Begin to identify pictures in a picture book

  • Begin to identify family pictures

  • Begin to recognize animals and imitate their sounds

We implement a literacy based curriculum which immerses children in oral and written language by using repetition, chanting and signing, finger plays and poems, oral reading by the teachers, naming friends and common objects and communicating in complete sentences.  Our Bailey program focuses on one book every two weeks and allows the students to become familiar with the story while focusing on other developmental goals.  Children are given the opportunity to use the skills of matching, sorting, classifying and constructing.  These skills help them to explore, develop, and investigate the world around them.

Two Year Old Class


It is our goal to assist each child’s individual development. Our curriculum is designed to provide children opportunities to develop their social/emotional, cognitive, physical and language skills daily. 

Developmental Focus Areas:

  • Work on schedules and routine

  • Learn songs and games

  • Learn to identify the letters in the alphabet

  • Learn to count to 20 in English and Spanish

  • Learn colors in English, Spanish, and Sign Language

  • Learn to identify different shapes

  • Learn to identify their names

  • Continue self-help skills

  • Keep their shoes on at all time

  • Learn how to sit at the cafeteria table

  • Learn proper table manners when eating

  • Learn how to brush their teeth

  • Learn to dress/undress themselves

  • Begin to learn how to spell their names

  • Work on potty training

  • Work on using scissors

  • Learn to share

  • Learn to identify different emotions: sad, happy, angry, etc.


We implement a literacy based curriculum which immerses children in oral and written language by using repetition, chanting and signing, finger plays and poems, oral reading by the teachers, naming friends and common objects and communicating in complete sentences.  Our Bailey program focuses on one book every two weeks and allows the students to become familiar with the story while focusing on other developmental goals.  Children are given the opportunity to use the skills of matching, sorting, classifying and constructing.  These skills help them to explore, develop, and investigate the world around them.

Early Pre-K Class

It is our goal to assist each child’s individual development. Our curriculum is designed to provide children opportunities to develop their social/emotional, cognitive, physical and language skills daily.  

Developmental Focus Areas:

  • To begin writing their name

  • Learn how to cut and trace on lines

  • Learn the days of the week

  • Learn the months

  • Practice counting and develop 1 to 1 correspondence to 20

  • Continue Self Help Skills

  • Begin to learn the sounds of the alphabet

  • To begin developing self-control by following simple classroom rules and routines with guidance, by beginning to use classroom materials carefully, and by managing transitions.

  • To develop speaking skills by speaking clearly enough to be understood by most listeners and by using expanded vocabulary and complete sentences.

  • To develop writing skills by representing ideas and stories through pictures, dictation and play; and by using scribbles and unconventional shapes to write.

  • To develop reading skills by showing an appreciation of books, by showing an interest in letters and words, and by comprehending and responding to stories read aloud.

  • To develop conflict resolutions skills and beginning to learn how to resolve issues with classmates and when to involve a teacher.


We implement a literacy based curriculum which immerses children in language and communication while learning to give and get ideas through listening, talking and reading.  Children learn to communicate their ideas to others, verbally and through drawings. Our Bo program focuses on one book each week and allows the students to become familiar with the story while being immersed in oral and written language.  Basic skills such as chanting and singing, recording ideas in journals and on chart paper, silent sustained reading, making of student books and big books, and discussing new ideas in books are all embedded in the Bo curriculum.

In Math children are given the opportunity to use problem solving, communicating, reasoning, and connecting. These skills help them to explore, develop, and investigate the world around them. Manipulatives and real-life objects are the essential tools used for effective mathematics instruction. Children are given time to explore math through the use of concrete materials they can manipulate.

Pre- K Class


It is our goal to assist each child’s individual development. Our curriculum is designed to provide children opportunities to develop their social/emotional, cognitive, physical and language skills daily.  


Developmental Focus Areas:

  Language Arts

  • Recognition of Letters and their sounds

  • Sounding of “blends” (consonant-vowel-consonant) words

  • Ability to recognize Dolch sight words

  • Language Development

  • Listening Skills


  • Learning to hold a pencil correctly

  • Writing of first name

  • Learning proper formation of letters

  Social Studies

  • Character Studies

  • Community Helpers

  • Health and safety


  • Science activities and experiments

  • Life cycles

  • Earth science studies and corresponding environmental studies


  • Number Recognition from 1-100

  • 1:1 correspondence (counting)

  • Shapes

  • Simple addition and subtraction

  • Graphs

  • Patterns, matching, sorting


  • Ability to work more independently on daily tasks

  • Learn to think more independently through development of problem solving skills

  • Development of expression through strengthening of communication/verbal skills

  • Ability to use creative thought and build imagination through art and free play time

  • Ability to understand and respect other feelings and opinions in a group environment and through group activities to strengthen problem solving skills

We implement a literacy based curriculum which immerses children in language and communication while learning to give and get ideas through listening, talking and reading.  Children learn to communicate their ideas to others, verbally and through drawings. Our Bo program focuses on one book each week and allows the students to become familiar with the story while being immersed in oral and written language.  Basic skills such as chanting and singing, recording ideas in journals and on chart paper, silent sustained reading, making of student books and big books, and discussing new ideas in books are all embedded in the Bo curriculum.

In Math children are given the opportunity to use problem solving, communicating, reasoning, and connecting. These skills help them to explore, develop, and investigate the world around them. Manipulatives and real-life objects are the essential tools used for effective mathematics instruction. Children are given time to explore math through the use of concrete materials they can manipulate.

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